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Page 12

  “Don’t ever tell me you can’t come,” he snarls into my mouth and I wonder what the hell is happening to us as I attack his mouth with mine. The craving is there, and I want him more than I care to admit.

  “Jesus, Angel… I can’t get enough of this fucking cunt.” Somehow his nasty words suit him and I open my legs wider feeling so complete, safe, wanted.

  “Yeah, that’s it.” He leans me back onto the cool mirror and grabs my legs so that we can both watch his long, thick cock go in and out of me.

  “Take your finger, baby, and rub that swollen clit. Rub it hard and come on my cock before I fill you up with my glue.” I hesitate.

  “Take your finger and touch yourself. I need to see you, feel you.” His eyes lock with mine and it’s there again—only us and he’s inside me and I want to please him like I’ve never wanted to please anyone in my life.

  I reach toward my clit. “Use two fingers,” he commands and I do. “Angel… talk to me. Tell me how much you love my cock and your fingers getting you off.”

  “I… I love it.” I rub hard. His thick cock picks up speed and I’m gone, orbiting into bliss.

  “Fuck yeah, Angel.” His body jerks deep into me. I don’t know how long we stay joined, both of our eyes locked on to each other’s as we try to steady our breaths. Jason slowly pulls out and my sex latches onto him as he goes.

  We smile at each other and it’s as though I’m floating as I watch him gently lower me and start the shower. I sink to the toilet seat wondering how I’m still alive.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  I look over at him, his gorgeous body making me lick my lips. “I was thinking I had no idea it would feel like that.” Instantly, I regret what I said.

  He cocks his head and motions for me to get into the shower with him.

  The water pelts down on us and he tilts my head. “I like that you are mine, and I like that you are untouched. I’ve fucked hundreds of women and I’ve never had this with anyone.” I blink the water out of my eyes. I’m happy, warm, and fuzzy—such an alien feeling for me. And no doubt, I’m smiling again.

  Then he grabs my chin roughly. “If I ever catch you fucking someone else, I’ll kill you.”

  At first, I think I misunderstood him. But his green eyes are not blinking and a shiver of excitement fills me. Holy shit, he’s telling the truth. He would kill me. And all the warm fuzzy feelings I was having double. Because if he would kill me for touching another man. Wow… that definitely sounds promising. He lets me go and reaches for the soap and I swallow as I do nothing but watch him soap his perfect body. As he turns his back on me to rinse, I finally move. Grabbing one of my new shower gels, I squirt some into my hands and lather up. The energy is charged and I can sense him start to pull away.

  “I have a busy day. What are you planning on doing?” His broad shoulders block the water and his gaze stays on my face instead of my soapy hands that have started to wash my body with vanilla bubbles.

  “Um… I kind of need another bathing suit or maybe I’ll help Amy in the kitchen.”

  He shakes his head. “No. No helping Amy anymore. I’ll have Dewey take you to the mall. I need a new pair of sunglasses anyway. I’ll leave some money on the dresser.” He reaches for my open mouth because did he just allow me out… with Dewey?

  “Be good, Eve, and we’ll see where this goes.” He brushes my lips with his. And I stand up on my tiptoes to deepen it.

  “I have to go, babe. I’ve got shit going on.” He pulls back and steps out and I instantly miss him. Quickly I finish washing myself. My body feels so different. My muscles are sore and my vagina is somewhat throbbing and tender. I smile and start to hum then stop and turn off the shower.

  What is wrong with me? I don’t hum and I don’t smile. I jerk one of his ugly black towels from the rack and dry myself off. I wish I could buy some pretty towels, maybe even a shelf to hold some of my stuff. This bathroom is so clean but completely bare. He doesn’t even have a hamper in here. I need to pull myself together. We’re not a couple yet. Throwing my wet hair up in a messy bun, I moisturize my face and put on some pink shimmering lip gloss. I’m tan and after hours of awesome sex, my cheeks are nice and rosy. I slip into a pink summer dress with crisscrossed straps and buttons going all the way down. I almost skip over to the dresser, and sure enough, he left me—holy shit—he left me $500.

  I look around like someone might be watching me. All I see is the ugly Crystal picture with her ugly tits. As I grab a pair of white Converse sneakers, someone knocks on the door. This time, it actually is Dewey. With a look of determination on his sweet face, he wears a white T-shirt and his prospect badge is proudly displayed on the front of his cut. I’m starting to realize that these patches mean stuff. I’ll have to ask Jason because some are ugly. I smile at Dewey who instantly smiles back.

  “Are you ready?” he asks.

  “I was born ready.” I laugh at myself, and he looks confused. “Whatever… let’s hit it. Maybe we can go through McDonald’s drive-through and get a sausage biscuit and some hash browns, huh?”

  “I was told to take you to the mall and back to Blade.” He walks ahead, keys in his hand, as we descend the stairs. It’s crowded—tons of new faces swarm the downstairs. On instinct, I move closer to Dewey as a bunch of bearded guys stop and start the usual degrading banter. This time I think someone says he wants to claim my ass.

  Then silence, like all I hear are chairs and feet on the wood floor. And I know he’s behind me. I can feel him.

  “This”—Blade reaches for me as I see Edge and Axel from the corner of my eyes—“is mine.” He turns my neck, and murmurs of “shit” and “we didn’t know” fill the room. “She wears my mark and the only one who claims her ass or anything else on her is me.” He growls as I look up at his pretty face except his eyes are serious and, same as in the shower, I sense his power. He’s the real deal. Anyone touches me, they would die and I don’t know if it would be quick. He laces my cold fingers with his strong, warm ones and escorts me to the front porch. He takes in my dress with one sweep then looks at my face.

  “You okay?” He rubs his hands up and down my arms.

  “Yes.” I breathe out, leaning closer to him and swallowing as I hear the music and loud chatter of bikes and laughter. “What’s happening? Is it a holiday?” I look around outside. Something has happened and it can’t be good.


  “I’m here, Blade.” Despite his gentle face, he tries to look mean.

  “You take care of my Angel.” He looks at my lips and, as if he can’t help himself, he pulls me in for a searing kiss. I close my eyes and feel the sun beat down on us as I kiss him back.

  “Prez.” Axel’s voice breaks us apart. “The guys are ready.”

  “Watch her.” He stares at Dewey then turns and walks inside. I face the bikers outside and almost smile at their stunned faces. Most are men but a few women are talking and smoking and looking at me.

  Dewey takes my arm and opens the door to a black Chevy Tahoe. One older-looking woman walks over to me wearing a cut that says Property of Titan. “I’m Bella.” She holds out her hand.

  I smile and shake it. “I’m Eve.”

  She eyes me up and down. “Pretty little thing, aren’t you? I heard all the rumors. I’ve been around this club for twenty-five years. You let me know if you need help.”

  Her soft, brown eyes seem sincere and I almost say I’ll be fine. Instead I say, “I will, and I have a lot of questions. If you have time, I’d love to pick your brain.”

  She stares at me and smiles. “You’ll do fine.” She pats me on my shoulder and walks back to the group of bikers. An older, short man with a pot belly drapes an arm around her.

  “I guess that’s Titan?” I say, hopping into the soft leather seat. I inhale the new car smell—it’s almost erotic. I’ve never smelled it before and now that I have, I never want to get out.

  Dewey looks over at me then at the group smoking.
br />   “Nah, that’s his best friend Bobby. Titan’s an officer. He used to be high up, but he crashed his bike ten years ago, so he’s been in a wheelchair ever since.” My eyes dart out the window as we pull out. Bella stands and smokes, laughing at something Bobby said.

  “But her vest said property of Titan. I’m confused.”

  Dewey starts to fidget, rubbing one hand on his dark jeans then the other. “Um… well Titan can’t, you know, anymore…” His eyes get big.

  “So?” I snap.

  “So, he lets Bobby take care of Bella.” I look over at him. His cheeks are pink.

  “Wait, Titan let’s his best friend fuck his wife?”

  “Yep, I mean he’s always there watching.”


  “Eve.” He grips the steering wheel tight. “It’s not unusual to share your woman with the… you know, guys.”

  I open my mouth then close it. Pinching my nose, I say, “So that’s why you thought you could touch me? Because everyone has what? An orgy?” My voice is getting high-pitched.

  He looks over at me and shifts uncomfortably in his seat. “Don’t get all fired up. Blade ain’t gonna share you.” He looks back at the road.

  I cross my arms and have that weird tightening, aggravation, something I’ve never felt before. “So he’s shared his other girlfriends?”

  Dewey grins and turns on the radio. KROQ blasts out of the speakers.

  I reach over and try to figure out which one is the off button. “I asked you a question.”

  He sighs. “Blade ain’t never had a steady girl before.”

  I turn toward him, but the seat belt locks up. “I thought Crystal was his girlfriend.”

  “Um… well you should ask Blade about—”

  “Dewey,” I yell, causing him to flinch.

  “No… she thinks she is but he has never been exclusive with her or anyone. Well, besides you.” I lean back, horrified and happy. I’m horrified that I’m happy. Jesus!

  “Crystal sleeps with everyone. I guess she thought that would make Blade jealous.” He shrugs.

  I look out the window and spy the golden arches. Grabbing Dewey’s arm, I say, “Oh my God… Thank God. I’m starving. Pull into Mickey D’s.”

  “But Blade said…”

  “I’m starving. You don’t want me to tell him you didn’t take care of me, do you?” I bat my lashes at him. He frowns, looking confused.

  “Turn, Dewey.”

  I actually have to make Dewey go in. Geez, you would think I was asking him to rob a bank or something with the way his dark eyes dart around.

  When I’m on my second sausage biscuit, I notice Dewey staring at me.

  Sighing I put down my biscuit and fold my hands in my lap. “What?”

  “I have never seen a girl eat so much.” He says this like I’m a freak.

  “Oh.” I shrug and dive back into my breakfast. “My metabolism is incredibly fast. I can eat anything.” I smile and he frowns. Poor Dewey. Guess I’m ruining all his fantasies about me.

  “So, how’s your stomach? Is it healing okay?” I’m talking with my mouth full, so I slow down slightly.

  He stiffens and looks around the air-conditioned McDonald’s. “Fine. Doc stitched me up. You ready to go?” He stands, shoulders slumped.

  “Yeah.” I shove the last bite into my mouth and ball up the yellow paper to throw it away. I love McDonald’s. That greasy smell comforts a person. The brownish red tiles on the floor always remind me of happy times with my mom.

  Shaking off any memories that might distract me, I blink as my eyes adjust to the sunny day. “Now, Dewey, when we get to the mall, I need you to follow my lead.” I wave my hand in front of his face as he beeps the truck open. “Hello… are you listening? I have a certain way I like to shop—”

  “You talk too much and too fast for me,” he mumbles, and again there’s a little tug at my conscience.

  Taking a breath, I jump in and sit back. “Don’t worry about anything.” I smile at him. “It will be super fast, in and out, and back to the compound.” No lie—I knew Dewey would be perfect for me. Meaning, he is tall and sweet-looking even with his cut. I pretend he needs sunglasses. We try on so many that I confuse the guy behind the counter. He doesn’t even notice when I slip the black mirrored Ray-Ban Aviators into my leather bag as Dewey continues to harass the guy for me. I actually pay for mine, so I don’t feel like a completely bad person.

  I run inside Macy’s—they’re having a sale—and pull out about fifteen different bikinis to try on. Inevitably if you try enough on, you can always find one that has a broken alarm. A couple of nice hard slams on a plastic chair and the bulky plastic tag will usually fall off. Today must be my lucky day. When I pick up a metallic-gold bikini, the tag falls off on my first try. I take a breath and wait to see if anyone comments on the noise. All I hear are other people talking and trying on clothes. So I try on around five more, but my luck has run out and none budge. Whatever, the gold one will look fantastic with my hair and tan. I pick up a black one with pink cherries on it and smile. Jason will love it.

  “That will be eighty-nine dollars and ninety cents,” the older woman at the cash register says, her eyes darting to Dewey.

  “I thought this was on sale.”

  “It is.” She stares at us. “Do you want it?”

  I smile. “Of course I want it.” And pushing aside the gold $250 bikini in the bottom of my bag, I grab my wallet and pay. This may go down as my best day ever!


  I’m staring at the clock. The rusty Coca-Cola clock still keeps such perfect time I want to take out my gun and shoot it.

  “Prez? Does that sound good?” Axel has been going on and on about different locations for the new lab and I’m tired. In the last week, I’ve averaged about two to three hours a night. You don’t get to where I am by not being a workaholic, but this has been a shitstorm that keeps on coming. Every day I’m dealing with different gang members, other bikers. The cops. You name it and in the last week, I’ve dealt with it. When I do climb up the steps and into my large bed, I can’t help but pull Eve to me and fuck her then pass out and repeat. She’s been with me two weeks, and I haven’t lost interest the way I thought would. If anything, she has become a necessity. A reason for me to get up and go to bed because she will be there. Like now, I’d rather be with her than here in the main room, with music playing and half my guys well on their way to being drunk already.

  “Axel, if we can get land cheap and out of the way, the cops will look the other direction. Chatsworth is perfect. It’s closer and we can make more runs. That said, we’re established in Hemet and if we can ever get the cops paid off, I think we should try to rebuild. A lot of our guys have families there.” My boots are on the table and I push back, balancing on the back legs of my chair.

  Axel rubs the back of his neck. “I don’t know… I think it’s weird we haven’t heard from the Feds yet.”

  I snort and drop my legs to the hardwood floor. The metal chair to clanks. “Give them time. I’m sure they’re still trying to find anything to tie us to the fire.”

  He nods and stretches. I stand and dismiss everyone until tomorrow when it starts all over again.

  “Hey, Prez. Amy wants to know if you want to have dinner with Eve.” Ryder reads a text from his phone. Axel and Edge look over at me.

  “You’re not going to join us tonight?” He arches a dark eyebrow at me.

  The sad thing is I would love to have dinner brought up to my room with Eve, which causes me to frown and shake my head. “Tell Amy I have some phone calls to make. I’ll take it in here.” I glance at Ryder who looks disappointed. Then I turn to Edge and Axel. “And yes, I plan on getting fucked up with you guys tonight.”

  Edge smiles as if he’s relieved and quietly leaves with Ryder who is grumbling about having to keep an eye on me.

  “You hungry?” I look at Axel who’s lighting a joint.

  “Nah, I think I’ll join the boys
. You should think about mixing it up tonight, man. Maybe get your cork sucked by someone besides Eve tonight.”

  I nod. He’s right. The fact that I would rather spend time upstairs than with my brothers makes me aware I’m getting in over my head. And for what? A mouth is a mouth. If you close your eyes, it can belong to whoever you want. My phone vibrates as if we are so in tune she felt me pulling back and has to reel me back in. My balls tighten and I shift uncomfortably with the knowledge that I grow hard at the sound of my phone ringing. She’s upstairs—I could go to her and fuck her before the night starts.


  Axel inhales and his eyes narrow as he watches me like I’m something he can’t understand.

  “Jason… I was hoping you were almost done.” Her voice does something to me—it’s gravelly… sexy.

  I turn and look out the window. It’s dark and I wish… fuck I don’t know what I wish. “Go to bed and I’ll be there soon.”

  Silence. I can feel her wanting me to say something else. It’s fucked because I never have cared enough to wonder what anyone thought but me and my brothers. So, when Eve gets silent it makes me crazy. I do want to know what bothers her, what she needs, likes.

  “Spit it out, Eve,” I say, getting madder by the second.

  She huffs and her voice changes, and I almost grin. “Why am I never allowed downstairs when there are parties going on?”

  “Because I said so. Unless you want to see something you might not like, I’d heed my command and stay upstairs.” I hang up and look at a frowning Axel. Holding up a finger, I grumble, “Don’t say a word.”

  He chuckles. “Jesus, man… I’m glad I’m not you.” As he opens the door to leave, Amy arrives with my dinner.

  “Here.” She hands me my plate filled with grilled salmon, a large kale salad, along with sweet potatoes and creamy spinach.

  “Thanks, Amy.” I rub my head, needing sleep and the gypsy upstairs not a party. But I’m the president so I don’t exactly have a choice.

  She sniffs and I can tell she’s pissed I’m not with Eve.