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Lethal Page 16

  I flutter my long, mascaraed lashes at him. “So what? You’re saying I don’t?”

  “Jason will not want you like this.” He looks beyond annoyed.

  I clear my throat. “I disagree.” Fluffing my hair, I look him straight in the eyes. “Jason is gone all the time. Plus, I can’t tell you how many times he’s told me that I’m nothing to him.”

  “Christ.” Edge looks up at the ceiling.

  “Yes… Christ. That’s what I say every time he reminds me that you and basically all the Disciples can never be monogamous.” I wave my hands around. “So, I doubt he’s going to care what one of his many women wears.”

  “Eve, don’t do this tonight.” He shakes his head. “Seriously, we’ve had a shitty week. Please, wear something else.”

  “Um, no.” I walk over to my phone, which is charging, toss it into my black bag, and twirl to face him. “Wait.”

  His eyes narrow on me as I snap my finger.

  “I know, maybe I’ll meet a really rich guy and Jason can sell me to him.” I smile and do jazz hands at him.

  He blows out some air. “If that’s the way you want to play it, don’t say I didn’t warn you.” He picks up the poster with one hand and walks out leaving me feeling like maybe I was a bit dramatic.

  And did I just act like I actually care about Jason? “Great.” I put my hands on my hips, mortified at the hot sting of tears in my eyes.

  Shaking my head, I sniff and grab a tissue. “What is wrong with you? Stay on course,” I chant to myself as I march into the bathroom to put the final touches on my hair and makeup. I hate that I’ve become… I don’t know, emotional lately. I mean my whole life I made fun of the girls who cried over their boyfriends. Sighing, I close my eyes then open them. God, why won’t Jason be like all the other guys: stupid and easy to push around?

  “You wouldn’t want him if he was normal.” I tell my reflection. “Shit.” I grip the edge of the sink. What is happening to me? Not only do I want him, but I think this sensation that rips at my heart anytime he smiles at me or ignores me might be…?

  I shake my head. “You can’t, Eve. You cannot fall in love with Jason.” He’s supposed to fall in love with me, not the other way around. Staring at myself, I try to deny the truth: that I, Eve Smith, might be having strong feelings for the president of one of the most dangerous MCs on the West Coast.

  I exhale and breathe in. I can’t. He basically kidnapped me and could at any moment discard me. But that doesn’t stop the very real fact that I get turned on by his fierceness, his power. Is that love? The sad thing is that this man lights me on fire. He challenges me in a way that makes me want to please him. When he is near me, he makes me feel safe and wanted like I never thought existed. I’m connected to him in a way I never imagined.

  I twist open the sparkly pink lip gloss and shimmer up my lips. After one last look, I shut off the bathroom light.

  “Let’s see if you can ignore me tonight, Jason.” I don’t even care that I’m talking to myself. It gives me courage. With my bag in hand, I lock the door behind me.

  The ride to the club is filled with quiet but obvious disapproval from Edge and pleasant nonstop chatter from Dewey. The valet comes out to open my door and park the Tahoe. I can already hear the music pumping and pulsing inside. Strobe lights dance around as I look over at a patio overflowing with people. Laughter and smoke permeate the air as Edge reaches for my arm. He doesn’t get stopped as he nods at the large bouncer dressed in all black. We walk in like we own the place. It’s dark in here with twinkling lights all around along with the strobe light and lasers bouncing off the walls and ceiling. The place is packed, wall-to-wall people, most in line for alcohol.

  “Where’s Dolly?” I yell.

  Edge doesn’t respond and propels me forward and over to some dark stairs. Fluorescent purple light shines down on us. As the music changes, so does the light. Another bouncer nods at us at the top and opens the red velvet cord to let us enter.

  “I guess they know you here.” I turn to him.

  “Eve, until Blade shows up, I need you to stay with me.”

  I nod. His eyes are taking in the place and it’s clear he’s on alert. I guess this is the way they live. This is my first time in a club, so maybe it’s normal to be aware of everyone. Jason does the same thing—even walking into our bedroom, he always goes first, his eyes searching.

  He guides me through the crowd of people, most of them wearing Disciples cuts but some obviously friends of Dolly’s. Many have purple or blue hair. He lets go of me to reach for a woman dressed in a red, skintight slip dress and black pumps with striking red bottoms. She turns and smiles up at him. My heart thuds as I witness their eyes lock. On her head is a tiara with blinking lights that say Birthday Girl.

  “Oh my God, he actually let you come?” Dolly detaches herself from Edge and grabs me for a hug.

  “Dolly… you look beautiful.” Looking at her happy and healthy makes me feel drastically less guilty about last month.

  “No, you’re striking. Turn around.” I laugh feeling like a load I didn’t realize I was holding has been taken off my chest. I spin and she reaches for Edge.

  “No looking,” she snaps and he arches a brow.

  “I only have eyes for one woman. I wish to hell she’d trust me on that,” he grumbles.

  “Eve, you want something to drink?”

  I look at them both and it all makes sense. I almost sigh since I’m rooting for them.

  “Oh yes.” Dolly wiggles her body against his. “Shots, please. Doug and I are drinking Cosmopolitans, so three.” She smiles at him and I look away. The hunger in their gazes is too depressing since I haven’t seen Jason and he seems determined to keep it that way. Suddenly I’m tired, which is crazy since it’s not even ten yet.

  Arms wrap around me from behind, I swing around to a smiling Doug who is wearing a dark suit and a blinking tiara.

  “Hello beautiful.” He dips his nose to my neck.

  “Doug… knock it off.” Edge’s eyes are serious.

  Doug laughs then says, “Oh Edge, always a pleasure, and since Blade is stupid enough to let his queen alone, I shall volunteer to babysit her.” He winks at Edge.

  “Christ, Doug.” He rolls his eyes, keeping a firm hand locked on Dolly. “Blade’s on his way so keep your hands off. I’ll get drinks.”

  Doug pouts but drops his hands. “Fine, as long as you’re getting drinks.” He fans himself.

  “Let’s dance.” He grabs my hand propelling me to the center of the room as soon as Edge is at the bar.

  “Don’t aggravate Edge, please, Doug. He’ll take me home and this is the first time I’ve ever been to a club.” I can’t help but feel some excitement as I watch people on the dance floor. The exhaustion from earlier disappears as he pulls me onto the lit-up floor. The music is loud and thumping up through the floor. Doug grabs me and starts to grind on me and I instantly turn.


  “You need alcohol, baby. Come on, let go, Eve. Let your body move to the beat.”

  I glance around and watch people of all shapes and colors dance and move. Closing my eyes for a moment, I let myself feel the beat and start to move.

  “That’s it. I knew you’d be a natural.” A smile tugs at my lips. We dance a few moments until I swing into Ryder’s huge arms. I almost scream, but his frown tells me I should smile instead.

  “Your drink is on the table.” He takes my arm and drags me off the floor. I hear Doug yelling at Ryder that he’s no fun.

  “Eve, sweetheart.” Ryder brings me to a booth in the middle where Edge is scowling at me and Dolly is hanging on him. “Here.” He hands me a drink that’s pink.

  “Jason is particular with you… so until he gets here, no more dancing all right?” His kind brown eyes search my face.

  “I haven’t seen you around much.” I sip the drink. “This is delicious by the way.”

  “Go slow, Eve.” He looks down at his phone as the alcohol a
lready warms me. Doug thrusts on the dance floor and laughs at himself.

  “Oh yay, you’re back.” Dolly throws herself at me. “Here.” She hands me a shot.

  “Yeah… I think you need some water, babe.” Edge looks at her.

  “Hurray—to us!” She clanks my shot glass. I have no choice but to follow and shoot it. The sting is so strong I visualize fire coming out of my mouth.

  “What was that?” I say, fanning my mouth with my hand.

  “Mescal, what else?” Like I know what Mescal is.

  “Um… Edge, you need to get control. I don’t want to deal with a pissed-off Blade,” Ryder snaps at him.

  “Let’s dance.” I grab Dolly’s hand.

  “Fucking great.” Ryder hisses behind us as we wiggle up to a happy and sweaty Doug. The music takes over and this time, when Doug grabs me from behind, I lean my head back and sway with him. The song changes and I twirl out of his arms into Dolly who reaches for me to grind on her. I look over at two miserable faces. Edge’s hands are clenched and Ryder seems to be looking downstairs.

  “Hey, can I dance with you two?” A tall guy with bad hair and stupid-looking hipster clothes tries to dance with us.

  “Fuck off, unless you have a death wish,” Dolly yells in his face. He backs away, shaking his head.

  We both start laughing. “I need to pee. I’ll be right back.”

  “I’ll be waiting.” She grabs Doug, who was dancing with another girl, and they both start putting on a show. I can’t help but giggle at poor Edge’s face. I head for the dark door that is marked women when a tattooed hand reaches for me and spins me around.

  The man is tall and completely tattooed up to his neck. Instantly, I pull my arm away and decide right then that I have to get myself another knife. Jason keeps me locked up in his compound, and I refuse to be touched by anyone but him.

  “You Blade’s whore?” His breath stinks of weed and alcohol and I take a step back. Hating that, I look over his shoulder for help. See, this is why I need a knife. I turn, but he grabs me again.

  “Are you insane?” I hiss.

  “Answer me…You’re his, aren’t you?” I wrinkle my nose at his ugly face. He’s bald and his eyes are dead. They remind me of Pauly the prick’s eyes. And suddenly I shudder because he’s not alone. Three other tattooed guys are right behind him.

  “I’m going to give you a message. You tell him I want my shit. You see, he and I go way back, but business is business.” He moves closer.

  “If it’s business then you should tell him yourself.” I turn again and he touches me.

  “Holy shit, you are stupid. He’ll kill you. Back the fuck off,” I scream. They laugh.

  “Pretty full of yourself, huh? Listen, princess, you may be gorgeous, but Blade doesn’t give two shits about any woman. In fact, since we’re in business together, he always shares his whores with me.” He trails his dirty fingernails over my throat toward my breast. Then I feel it. Heat, power, a pull. It’s him. I know same as I know this pig in front of me might die tonight.


  He stands like a god of a beast. Magnificent and untamed. My breath stutters in my throat and desire flutters in my core. What is wrong with me?

  “Darrel.” His voice radiates off the walls and all eyes swing to his. Green fire pours out of them as he looks at me. He doesn’t have to tell me to go to him. I do. Like a moth goes to a flame, I go to my king.

  “Did you touch her?” His voice is eerily calm and I see fear flicker for a second in the other man’s eyes.

  He chuckles and holds his hands out looking at his buddies for support. “You always share, Blade. This one might be the most beautiful, but pussy is pus—” Jason pulls me behind him. In a blink he has his hand around the bald guy’s throat.

  Hands pull me back into the crowd and I see Ryder, Edge, and four other Disciples surround Blade. I pull my arm preparing to knee whoever is taking me away from Jason in the nuts.

  “Try it, wildcat,” he snarls, and I glance up into blue eyes so dark they almost look black. Axel has me and he is furious. “If I were you, I would sit down and shut up, Eve. You’ve caused enough problems.” He moves me to the booth.

  “Axel…” I try to pull back. “Jason needs me. Axel what the hell?” He swings toward me.

  “Do you think our lives are a fucking joke? This is us. We’re not good men, and now you have Blade all screwed in the head. He’s changing and that makes him dangerous. Meaning he’s not thinking clearly because he has you in his brain.” He points to his head. “I can’t make him not want you—you’re in his blood—but I can keep you safe so he can do what he needs to do.”

  “This was not my fault. I was on my way to the restroom and that piece of shit grabbed me. Oh, as Blade’s whore I’m supposed to tell him that scumbag wants his shit.” Suddenly I’m not trying to get away.

  “Axel… I don’t feel good.” He looks at me.

  “Christ.” He takes me over to the restroom and zooms us in as if it’s no big deal that a huge hot biker guy is in the women’s room.

  “Hey Axel,” I hear as I burst into the stall and barely make it to the toilet. I hadn’t had any food so all that comes up is my cocktail and shot. I lean my head against the cool metal wall, not even caring that it’s probably full of germs. My mouth stops watering as my stomach settles until I hear, “Is she okay?”

  “Too much to drink. She’s fine, Nicole,” Axel snaps.

  “She’s not pregnant, is she?” And my stomach that was starting to calm starts to knot again as I lean over and retch again.

  “Fuck no, and if I hear any rumor that she is, I’ll know it was you.”

  I brace myself and push my hair back. “I’m definitely not pregnant,” I snap at both of them as I try to rinse my mouth.

  “Phew… That”—she points to the stall I vacated—“reminded me of the early days of my pregnancy.” She smiles at me, fluffs her hair in the mirror, and sashays out. I close my eyes. Nightmare. When I open them, two sapphire eyes stare at me as if he can read my mind.

  “You’re not, right?” he demands.

  I look at him through the mirror then back at my pale face.

  “There is no way I’m pregnant.” I roll my eyes and almost tell him that I can’t, but why try to convince someone who is suspicious of everybody? “I’m not used to drinking and the excitement—that’s all.”

  “That’s good, for your sake.” He slowly nods and opens the bathroom door. Two girls giggle as we step out.

  “I’m tired,” I snap. His threat not only bothers me, but it’s none of his business. “I’d like to go home. Or should I wait for Jason?”

  “Oh, don’t worry. I’m sending you home.” He propels me out to the blaring music and neon lights. I barely get to grab my bag before he is urging me down the stairs. I don’t even get to say goodbye to anyone. They’re all on the dance floor. The laser lights downstairs are going wild with the beat of the music, but now it’s making me nauseous. Axel guides me outside and the fresh cool air hits my face like a welcome friend. I take a huge gulp and close my eyes as Axel barks an order. Some guy named Tim apparently will be taking me home. A couple of girls scream and laugh next to me waiting for the valet, their loud, excited voices announcing where they are going next. I feel ancient, and I have to be younger than them. I can’t believe that was my first nightclub experience. If I wasn’t feeling woozy, I’d be pissed. As it is, I’m somewhat grateful when the door shuts behind me. As I reach over and turn the vents on me, I wonder If I got a bug or something. The last couple of days I’ve felt crappy. Closing my eyes, I let Tim the prospect drive me home.


  The sun is rising as Axel, Ryder, Edge, and I pull up to the house. It’s almost startling how quiet and calm it is at 5:00 a.m. All the crap that is strewn around the front yard takes a back burner to the sunrise. Orange, yellow, purple, even blue grace the sky and it seems surreal that less than three hours ago, I was slicing up the fingers on Dar
rel’s right hand. I should have done more, but I didn’t want it to be completely obvious that Eve has become my full-blown obsession. I only sliced off the tips to remind him never to touch what belongs to me again. This is what happens when you get too big. The worst people who walk the earth start sniffing around. Unfortunately, they get power and money because they have nothing to lose. When you are raised with absolutely nothing, you learn real quick how to survive.

  Since the lab is down, everyone is coming out of the woodwork. I take a drag of my cigarette and continue to watch the sunrise. The light yellow ball slowly rises over the trees. I’m ashamed that it’s been years since I actually enjoyed a sunrise.

  “I’m going to bed,” Ryder grumbles as he passes, boots crunching on the gravel.

  Edge looks at us, sighs, and starts toward the Tahoe. “I have something that needs my attention. I’ll be back in a few hours.”

  “Kiss Dolly low for us.” Axel chuckles as Edge slams the Tahoe’s door and puts it in reverse to maneuver around us.

  I inhale and close my eyes. The adrenaline is wearing off and I’m exhausted.

  “Prez? How do you want to proceed? This shit that happened tonight is going to continue.”

  Blinking, I drop my cigarette and snuff it out with my boot. “I know. I’m sick of it, Axel. All this shit that comes with drugs is getting old, man.”

  Axel’s blue eyes are alert. “We need to get out of dealing. All of us have lost the passion for it.”

  I sniff the cool morning air. “It’s not that simple and you know it.”

  He reaches into his pants pocket and pulls out a joint. Lighting it, he inhales and says, “You think the Feds got to Doc?”

  I take the joint from his hand and inhale deeply. “Probably. Either that or they got to Sandy.”

  He sighs and takes the joint back, raising his hands as if he’s stretching. “We’re getting too rich and old to go to jail.”

  I grunt and let the mellowness take over my tense muscles. “I need to talk to Dimitri. If he wants to continue getting anything from us, he needs to get his crew under control.”