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Lethal Page 20

  I reach for her bag. “You ready? Got everything?”

  “I think so.” I guide her, my hand at her lower back, unable to stop from caressing her ass. She swirls around and dazzles me with a white smile. I open the door to my black Dodge Viper watching how she gracefully sinks into my leather seat. Her big eyes light up as she looks around. “You know, I was never in a new car before I got with you. I love the smell. This is new, right?” She sniffs and wiggles into the buttery black leather seats.

  “It’s pretty new. I don’t drive it as much as a car like this deserves.” I start up the engine and it rumbles to a perfect purr as we take off. I reach for her leg resting my hand on it. She’s happily looking out the window as her hand reaches down to hold mine. I take a breath at the sheer intimacy of it. Simply holding hands while I drive makes me have those emotions I’m ashamed of having. She makes me weak and I despise it. But the farther I get from the compound, the more I can breathe. It’s me and Eve, and I want to immerse myself in her tonight.

  “So…” I push the volume down on the steering wheel. She turns sideways to face me.

  “What do you feel like? Sushi? Want to try?” I wink at her, and she cocks her head and smiles.

  “No, raw fish doesn’t sound good right now.” She wrinkles her nose and I grip the steering wheel tighter.

  “Italian it is.” I know an incredible mom-and-pop restaurant that has the most fantastic Italian food. My phone starts ringing and I push the answer button.

  “Speak, Axel, and Eve is with me, so if it’s not urgent I want to enjoy my dinner.” The line is silent then I hear in the background, “Pay up, motherfucka. I told you I wasn’t lying.” Loud catcalls and cheering fill the background.

  “I’ll talk to you when you get back. I don’t want to ruin your… date.” He kind of trips over the date part, but in this instance, I get it. If it were reversed, I wouldn’t believe it either.

  “I’m going to take her to my house. If you need me, I’ll be there.” I hang up because I don’t want to hear anything he’s going to say. Axel knows that besides my mother, no woman has ever entered my house. I turn left onto Ventura Boulevard then pull up to the side of the little red-and-green Italian restaurant and let the valet take over. A small group of people stand outside waiting, but I know I’ll get a table. I reach for my phone and watch as a douchebag probably around Eve’s age opens the door for her. He’s blond and seems to want me to beat him up since he can’t stop looking at her. At last, he glances at me and slinks away. I take the valet ticket and reach for Eve’s hand. Walking straight past the group, we both blink at the darkness as we enter. I scoot her forward to the hostess while our eyes adjust to the room. It’s painted in a wine red with a shot of Sophia Loren and her famous pout, her cleavage hanging front and center. A signed movie poster of The Godfather hangs nearby. The floor tiles are painted different colors giving the atmosphere a sense of fun. It’s one of the reasons I picked this place. Not only is the food amazing, Eve will be comfortable. Frank Sinatra is singing and I have to fight a grin thinking of the last time we heard Frank. I hope this night ends better than that one.

  Before I even get to ask for him, Gino appears.

  “Blade, my friend, welcome.” His big smile almost rivals his huge stomach.

  I’ve known Gino for years. When he needed money to start this place up, I floated him some. He paid me back in no time and has brought over a bunch of cousins from Italy to help him. His place is legit. The guys and I come here when we want exceptional food and to get away from shit.

  “My God.” He covers his heart dramatically. “Who is this enchanting creature?” He holds out his hand and I watch, amused as Eve looks at me with an eyebrow raised and allows Gino to kiss her hand.

  “I have been around the world and I swear I have never seen such beauty.” He keeps holding her hand as he brings us to a table in the corner. The white tablecloth and candle make it look romantic.

  For a moment I falter, wondering if I’m tempting fate. With all the shitty things I’ve done in my life, why would I ever think I could have this? And yet as she smiles at me and sits in to the offered chair, I wonder, why not?

  “Thank you.” Her voice does it for me. Shit, everything about her does it for me.

  “Shall I bring some of my special stuff?” He waggles his eyebrows at me, and I can’t not chuckle.

  “Please, Gino, we’d love it.” He spins around and I’m always amazed at how well he can get around. He’s not a thin man. I turn to Eve and take her hand, I guess because I can’t stop touching her.

  “What are you feeling tonight?”

  She inhales and peeks around, then clears her voice. “Whatever you think is good.” Her hand shakes a little and I frown. I want her to enjoy this not be nervous.

  “Angel?” Her big blue eyes shyly find mine. “You are exquisite. Every woman wants to be you and every man wants to fuck what’s mine. You order anything you want.” I watch as she swallows, her thin neck almost beckoning my thumb to find my mark. I reach up and pull her hair back over her soft shoulder, lightly running my thumb over the Disciples brand. I should feel guilty, but fuck that. This turns me on more than I will ever admit. It means I’m keeping her.

  “Here we are.” Gino returns and I reluctantly move back a little so he can set down the menus. The waitress places the flutes filled with Gino’s family’s prosecco. He has an uncle in Italy who makes it. Another waiter brings bread.

  “Thanks, Gino.”

  He claps his hands together. “I’ll be back. Tell me if you have any questions on the menu, my beauty.”

  I chuckle at Eve’s wide-eyed stare. “Gino, this is my girlfriend Eve.” Her mouth opens and she gasps slightly. It’s all I can do not to reach over and kiss her ruby lips.

  “Oh my… of course she would be blessed with that name. I’m Gino, and you need anything, you let me know.”

  Again, I laugh. “Thanks, man. We’ll let you know.” He stands smiling down at Eve until I have to clear my throat.

  “Yes, sorry, I’m gonna send Eve out some of my mama’s favorite specials.” He turns and marches back to the kitchen area.

  I hand her one of the thick red menus. Reluctantly she takes it in, her eyes staring at the picture of Sophia Loren.

  “Eve?” She doesn’t look at me but reaches for her crystal water glass. “Eve!” This time I’m demanding and her eyes dart to mine.

  “What’s wrong?” I’ve never seen her like this. In a way, it’s adorable; in another, it aggravates me to see her this insecure.

  She sighs and leans forward. “I… I was so excited and now I’m nervous.”

  I blink at her, my eyes caressing her face, and I see the truth: she feels inferior.

  “What do you want to eat?” It comes out harsh but I want to know before I dive into this.

  She slams shut the menu with a thud. “That’s just it. I have no idea what this menu says. So why am I looking at it? I have never had Italian food unless Pizza Hut and Dominos count.” Her big eyes pool with tears.

  I set the menu aside as I take her chin, forcing her to look at me.

  “You are beautiful. Not because of the way you look on the outside but because of what’s inside. All this is just for fun.” I indicate our surroundings with my eyes. A small tear glides slowly down her cheek as she tries to shake her head no.

  “It’s true. I’m doing this because I want to spoil you. The whole way over here I thought, I don’t deserve to feel like this, or that I’ve done a lot of bad things, which means I can’t have you.” I lean forward to inhale her soft sweet breath and suck it in like I need it to live. “But I do, Eve.” Her eyes light up with surprise and I kiss her. “Now, can you read?”

  She goes to pull away, but I hold her. “Yes, but I don’t understand a lot of the words.” It’s a whisper but I hear it clearly. And that protective instinct I have with her doubles if that’s possible. I want to be her everything, her mate, her soul, her very life. Releasing
her chin, I let the realization that I’m fucked sink in. That I have somehow fallen in love with Eve. Thank God I’m already sitting because I’m not sure what would happen had I figured this out standing.

  “Here we go.” Gino appears, his hands loaded with tiny dishes filled with pasta, cheeses, and small meatballs. Eve leans back and looks up at the ceiling trying to stop her tears and I reach for the stupid flute of prosecco, downing it in two sips.

  “Ahh, I will bring more.” He signals for a waitress to refill my glass. I want to order whiskey, but I don’t want to insult him.

  “We’re ready, Gino. My Angel will have some of your mother’s famous baked ziti and I’m gonna have the gnocchi.”

  “Wonderful, you are going to love the ziti. I will bring more samples.” Before I can stop him, he’s gone. The silence becomes like foreplay; it’s thick and stifling and I wish dinner was over as I wait to see what she is going to do. She doesn’t disappoint and sits up, straightens her shoulders, and reaches for some bread.

  “I’m not stupid. I know you think I am, and just because I didn’t get to go to school doesn’t mean—”

  “I know you’re not stupid.” I watch her chew. Again, that feeling that I’m falling into something I might never recover from slams me in the chest. “I’m not letting you go,” I snap at her. Her eyes widen as I see confusion on her face.

  “I think you should know that I won’t be letting you go.” She stares, almost frozen. “If you had any thoughts that I would, forget them.” Even to myself that sounds crazy. It’s not her fault I’m a bad person. I don’t even know if a man like me can be in love. But if looking at this woman and never wanting her to leave my side is any indication, maybe I’m not as damaged as I thought.

  She glances around the restaurant and I notice for the first time how crowded it is. People are laughing which is what I wanted to do. I want to introduce her to all things. Instead I’m being an ass.

  “Look, Eve.” I rub the back of my neck then reach for her cold hands. “I’m in uncharted territory here. All I want to do is take you to dinner, then I want to show you my house. No one but my mother and a few of the guys even know it exists.”

  She gulps down the bread. “I… need to use the bathroom.” She stands and tosses her napkin on the table.

  I lean back. “Fucking fantastic,” I mumble as her slender form bolts toward the restroom. Two guys in suits sitting at the small bar area over by the bathrooms stare at my girl as her sexy walk and stunning face lure them to her.

  I want to jump up and pound my chest that she’s mine. Fuck, I already have my brand on her neck, but I want her wearing my vest, saying “Property of President.” The visual alone gets my dick hard. Grabbing some bread, I wait for her. Gino brings out our dinner and still, I wait. As I start to worry, she emerges. She glides back to the table and I almost stand up so that the douches at the bar can see who she belongs to.

  “Sorry, I’m tired.” Her glow from earlier is gone. She looks pale.

  “Eat something and we’ll go home and sleep.” She places the napkin back on her lap and takes a small bite. Our eyes lock. She blinks and I rub her soft cheek with my tatted hand.

  “Eat, Angel.” She looks down and starts to eat.

  “Well? Do you like it?”

  She nods. “I love it.” She takes a sip of water. “Jason?”

  “Yeah?” I can’t help but smile at her and how good my gnocchi is. I hold a bite to her, my dick twitching as I watch her wrap her mouth around it. “It melts in your mouth, huh?”

  “God,” she moans. “It does.” She smiles. “I need to tell you something.”

  I lean back. “Okay.”

  She reaches for her water again and I watch her swallow before she sets the glass down.

  Our eyes meet and she says the words I’ve been thinking. “I want you to not let me go…” She reaches for the water again and the top of her cheeks are flushed.

  I exhale and smile back. “Good, baby. Because I’m going to make an announcement when we get back to the clubhouse.”

  A loud commotion is happening at the bar with the drunk asses that were staring at Eve.

  “Finish up, babe. I’m ready to get out of here.” She takes a couple more bites and looks drastically better. Obviously, she needed food and maybe wanted to say what neither of us want to admit.

  “You need to eat more. Your job is to please me, Eve. When it’s us, alone, we are us, together. In front of my men, I need you to understand if I make you my old lady, you’ll need to behave accordingly and that means being healthy.”

  She puts down her water glass with a thud. Small drops of water land on my hand. “You want me to be your wife?” Her voice sounds excited.

  “It’s not a formal wedding, but you’ll wear my vest.” I pull her close, my mouth next to hers. “We’ll see how you handle it. My mom was great until my dad started moving his whores into the clubhouse.”

  She pulls back. “Oh God, that’s awful. Your poor mom.” She shakes her head as her eyes widen. “Wait, you’re not saying that because you are going to do that, right?”

  Setting my napkin down, I already sense the blood pumping in my ears. “Eve, you don’t have a choice if you’re my old lady.” I sneer. “You need to know who’s in charge and back your man.” Monogamy is not in my genes. My dad, grandfather, and brother fucked their way through the clubhouse and anywhere else they went. I’ve never been monogamous and the fact that Eve has held my interest and satisfies my needs is a fucking miracle. So I slam it home as I lean forward. “If I want someone to suck me off, even if it’s in front of you, you will shut up and watch like the good old lady you are.”

  She looks like I’ve slapped her and like she might be sick and she covers her mouth, her head shaking. Her big eyes stare at me like I’m not human, and I almost relent and tell her I have no intention of doing that. But the truth is that as the president of the club I can do anything I want. I’m motherfucking king and if she wants to be my queen she needs to shut her mouth.

  Placing her napkin on her plate, she scoots back. “I can’t, I won’t.” She stands up and looks around as if someone might actually help her. Her incredible golden locks fall around her bare shoulders in a wild, sexy way. “You can’t honestly think that I would tolerate that.” Her voice catches and her hands tremble as she reaches for her bag.

  I bolt up not caring that my chair tips over. Taking out my wallet, I drop a couple hundred and grab her arm as she pulls away.

  “Fuck off,” she hisses, jerking her hand free. A couple sitting next to us gasps and I almost see red. In all my years, I have never been told to fuck off by a woman. It. Has. Never. Happened. Ever.

  She breezes past the tables, her head held high like she’s in a god damn beauty pageant. I shove the valet ticket to the punk. He must feel the vibe that I might kill him if he even looks at Eve because he nods and gets the keys. I take them from him and grab her.

  “Here.” I toss a fifty at him. She tries to jerk free, but there’s no fucking way. I pull her to my Viper and toss her in.

  “Hey man, thanks,” the valet calls out, staring at the fifty.

  I don’t respond and shut my door and start the engine. The loud click of me locking the doors should alert her that I’m beyond pissed. She crosses her arms and stares out the window.

  “I warned you,” I say through gritted teeth. It’s all I trust myself to say at the moment. My hands grip the steering wheel so tight my knuckles crack. The pure anger that she still defies me pumps through me like a heart pumps blood. I actually feel high with it and accelerate down Ventura Boulevard, taking a fast left and gunning it up toward the hills that lead to my house. I bought this house as soon as I became president. It’s in the hills of Sherman Oaks, the view is incredible, and it’s close enough to the clubhouse that I can be there in no time. I let the Viper have its way with the twists and turns up the hill. Eve sways with the movement, her arms are crossed and that pisses me off more. Her eyes
are focused on the scenery, but with it getting dark, she won’t get much until the morning. I pull into a cul-de-sac that I share with three other houses and push the remote for the garage to open.

  Suddenly she turns. “I want to go back to the clubhouse.” I almost laugh. It wasn’t a plea; it was a demand and if I wasn’t so angry, I’d give her credit. Unfortunately for her, she brings out the most intense emotions in me. Her cheeks are flushed and her breathing is coming in short gasps. I guess it’s dawned on her that for the first time ever, we’re completely alone.

  “No, Angel. It’s time you learn what your future is.”

  “What the fuck does that mean?” she screams at my back as I exit and slam the door. She swings hers open and steps out. Our gazes lock and I stare as her chin comes up and her hand tightens around her purse. Badass floats through my brain and I sincerely hope for her sake she doesn’t pull her blade on me. I narrow my eyes almost daring her.

  “I’d think about this, Angel.” My voice is soft, almost coaxing. She stands, frozen, her chest coming in fast deep breaths, eyes blazing with frustration and hurt.

  “For your sake, beautiful, I’d do everything I demand tonight.”

  She sniffs back her tears. “Fuck you, Jason,” she hisses softly.

  “Jesus Christ.”

  I reach for her and she yells, “I don’t want you to fuck around… I can’t handle it.” Her eyes are almost wild and her pain fuels my need for her. She will submit; she will be everything I want her to be. Clenching my jaw so hard it aches, I pull her in and toss her over my shoulder. Instead of feeling guilty, I’m relieved. Gone are all the soft feelings. All the shit I’ve been struggling with clouding my true nature. In one quick snap, the confusion is erased. Now I let my power pump through my blood, my dick so hard it’s almost painful.

  Fuck you. I keep hearing it replay in my brain. She’s struggling and I slap her ass hard and she screams. Then she growls; it’s almost animalistic. I recognize that sound, that kind of energy.