Lethal Page 6
I stare at her, then Doug. “Who are you people?”
“Friends,” they both say, then start giggling. I roll my eyes and point to a black wallet that has the same logo as my bag. My bag. Holy God, I can’t even comprehend having anything this nice. If anyone tries to jack it from me they will definitely regret it. I need to get another knife. I’m startled when Dolly hands me the bag and wallet. I slowly drape the black leather bag around my shoulder. My hand caresses the leather. “Wow, it’s so soft.”
“Italian leather.” Doug snorts.
I reach into my pocket and discreetly pull out my precious wad of cash Blade gave me and unzip my new wallet. It has the most wonderful smell ever. Actually, Blade kind of smells a little like this leather. Looking around, I notice the store is fairly empty, which makes me breathe easier as I shove the hundreds into my new wallet and slide it into my bag.
“Okay, let’s do this.” I’m ready. I have a killer bag and I’m ready to tackle the mall.
We get shoes, makeup, bras, panties. Clothes, so many clothes. I manage to steal a ton of lipsticks and panties and some face cream. By the end of our shopping trip, I’m kicking myself for not tackling the mall before this. So much easier to steal from, nobody actually watches, and as long as you take shit that doesn’t have alarms, you can walk out with anything. We pile into Dolly’s car with all my bags from Bloomingdales, Victoria’s Secret, Topshop, Kiehl’s, and so on. I had to spend most of the money, but I think I still have four or five hundred left. I’ll find a hiding spot and start saving. Which means I need to be able to get out of the compound.
“Hey, do you think Blade would let me get a job?” I lean in the middle of the seats so I can talk.
Doug and Dolly are smoking.
“I guess. Discuss it with Blade.” She guns through a questionable yellow light.
“Well, is he reliable? Like if he says he’ll do something, does he?” I look at my nails.
“Are you kidding? If Blade says he’ll do it, it’s done. He doesn’t lie. He doesn’t have to.”
She looks at me through the mirror. I flop back against the hot leather seat and close my eyes. Everything is going too fast. Yesterday I was in my crappy trailer worrying about everything. Today I’m sitting in a sports car with way too many clothes and a $3,000 bag.
I rub my temple and try to tune out Dolly and Doug’s incessant chatter. If only they would turn some music on. Who doesn’t listen to music when they drive?
Dark thoughts take hold. Visions of my dad and how desperately frail he looked. A broken man. He was good, loving, kind. He deserved more. And maybe just maybe I can give him that. For once he can be comfortable, have clean sheets. Jesus, oxygen that doesn’t make his nose bleed would be a relief. Dolly said Blade doesn’t lie, so I have to trust that. I can do this—be whatever Blade wants me to be as long as my dad doesn’t suffer. He’s all I have left.
I’m jolted out of my morbid thoughts by Dolly’s loud curse as she peels into the alleyway by the salon. She jumps out. “I’ll see you guys inside. I’m gonna pee myself.”
Doug laughs as he lets me out and reaches for my bag.
“Hey.” I push at him. “What are you doing?” My eyes dart around the parking lot.
“Just seeing how good you truly are. I get it. I used to have the same problem. But eventually everyone gets caught.” His brown eyes find mine then dip to my bag. Reaching into his bag, he hands me a brand new iPhone.
“I used to be you. But you need to be smart. Don’t try and fuck Blade over because you can’t. He’s like some kind of genius or something. He will find out all your stuff and you’ll be screwed.”
“Um…” I don’t know how to respond to this guy. His brown eyes seem way too smart for his age.
“And this is a gift from me and Dolly. We already programmed our numbers. If you need me anytime, I want you to know I’ll answer.”
I take the box and frown. “Thank you, but I can’t…” I hand the phone back.
“I told you, Eve. I was you. Take the phone.” I cock my head to get a good look at him and he’s actually letting me see him: his insecurities, his pain.
I shake my head. “Why would you guys do this?” Emotion hits me, whether I like it or not, and my eyes swim with tears. I’ve lost count of how many iphones I’ve stolen, but this is my very first gift in years.
“Because you need a phone. And sometimes giving someone a totally unexpected and unwanted gift makes them feel good.” He takes my hand and places the phone in it.
“I care.” He motions toward the door. Dolly is almost skipping toward the car.
“Dolly cares, and in this world, having a couple of people who care makes all the difference.”
“I feel like I should pay you guys something,” I say, reaching for my wallet.
He stops me. “Someday, when I need it. One of those days when you look at me and see I could use a gift. Do it then.” He looks over my head at Dolly. “Sorry, I gave it to her already.” He winks at us and walks through the back door of the salon, his boots crunching on the gravel. I look down at my new phone and over at Dolly.
“I… I’m so not used to this.”
She laughs. “Come on. It’s gonna take us awhile to get back with traffic.” I settle myself in the recently vacated front seat, which is still hot from Doug’s presence.
Unable to look at her, I stare at the white apple logo on the box. Opening it up, I glide my fingers over the silver.
“Thank you.” It’s comes out raspy with the lump in my throat.
“He told you we already put our numbers in, right?” She smiles as she glances over then back at the road.
“He did.” I grab the oh shit handle on top of the door as she cuts someone off to merge onto the freeway. I stare at her but she doesn’t even look fazed at all the honking. Taking a breath, I recross my legs and let go of the death grip as the whole day starts to take its toll. Rubbing my forehead, I remind myself that I’m going to be Blade’s whore so there is no way I should have any guilt about spending his money. But now I’m not so sure. Dolly and Doug are actually cool. I’ve never had any friends. I had my dad and Benny… until I didn’t. I never went to school because we traveled all over the United States. What little education I got was from my mom before she died and my dad when he had time.
“Every girl needs a phone. And don’t worry. I’ll make sure Jason pays for the service.” She lights a cigarette and zips down our windows. The warm air caresses my cheeks.
She still doesn’t have the radio on and I hate silence, so I fill the empty space with my voice. “What’s the deal with Doug?”
She inhales and blows out the window. “You know, shit family, drugs, and being poor. I met him in cosmetology school and we got close. He acts crazy, but deep inside, Doug is one of the saddest, most loyal guys I know.”
I glance at her. “He hides it well.”
She nods. “He does, and he’s getting better, but sometimes he can… well, get really dark.” She shakes her head as if trying to erase whatever image passed through it. “Then again, who doesn’t have dark moments? He also was my biggest supporter when I was with Edge and he helped me get through the break-up without taking a bottle of pills.”
“Wow, that’s awful.” I glance at my bag, then out the window at the traffic.
“Yeah, love fucking hurts. And being in love with one of the Disciples is like being in a relationship with a rock star or athlete.”
Admiring my nails, which are painted a pretty pink, I wonder if that is what my life will soon be like.
“You look hot by the way.” She tosses out her cigarette on the freeway.
“Thanks. It was all you guys.” Looking down at my sheer pale pink T-shirt and black skinny jeans, I give her a small smile.
“That’s not true. We helped, but you definitely have your own style.” She eyes me, zips up the windows, and turns on the air.
“I’m obsessed with those boots. I’m going to get me a pair t
I smile. “Yeah, they are pretty fabulous. And they were on sale.” We both laugh. They were $500 on sale. But they are what I’ve always dreamed of having. Black high-heeled lace-up boots. Awesome.
“So, Eve, I’m not staying tonight. I want to give you a heads-up on what to expect and how to deal with Crystal the bitch.” She zooms down the off ramp exit and stops at a light.
“Crystal has been around for years. She’s a whore and a bitch. That being said, she thinks she’s Blade’s old lady, so she’s going to freak out about you.” Her small bow-shaped lips can’t help but smile.
“You are everything she’s not and that is why you are perfect for Blade. But if she gets nasty, don’t be afraid to tell Blade or one of his guys. They are all loyal and they will protect you.” She sighs. “I hate to say this because I hate him, but go to Edge if Blade is not available. He will protect you. He owes me that at least.”
I snort. “Why would she hate me? He’s got her stupid poster hanging in his room.”
We speed down a country-like street. I see a couple riding their horses. Looking back, I say, “Did you see that?”
She looks in the rearview mirror. “What, horses? Girl, we’re in the equestrian area. You are going to see horses all the time.”
I shake my head. “I don’t understand. Where are we?” Looking around at the grassy park we’re passing, kids play in the field and sure enough, another guy on a horse approaches.
She chuckles. “I know it’s crazy, huh? Blade’s Grandfather bought his land when he got out of Vietnam and it’s been passed down. This area of Burbank has huge lots, so there are a lot of horses.”
“And they don’t get upset about the Disciples being here?”
“Nope, like I said we’ve had the land for sixty-plus years and the guys are good around here. Now in Hemet, that’s a different story.” She does a sharp turn into the gravelly road headed toward the compound.
“Oh great, I can already smell the smoke. They’re starting early.”
“So… What do I do? I mean this is a party, right?” I look around at the tall trees and lush lawn, biting my lip.
She snorts. “Oh, it’s a party all right.”
We stay silent as I lean forward to take in the sight. There are hundreds of motorcycles. A huge fire pit is going, and the music’s so loud I can hear the beat in my chest and I haven’t opened Dolly’s door yet. But what’s more alarming is the hundreds of people. Girls wearing leather skirts, pants, and vests. Others in dresses that a stripper would wear. And the place is filled with so many beards and tattoos.
“Jesus,” I whisper, looking at my new outfit. I guess I should have picked more black. A lot of these girls are wearing black. A loud scream comes from the porch. A biker is carrying a girl with nothing on but a G-string. He screams like Tarzan.
“Christ, nothing changes,” Dolly mutters as she slams her car into park. “Come on.”Reluctantly I open the door, reaching for all my bags. I flip my hair out of my face only to look over at most everyone staring at me.
“Shoulders back, head up,” Dolly says under her breath. I’m not sure if she’s saying it to me or herself. Doesn’t matter; we both do it. Axel, at least I think it’s Axel, reaches for my bags.
He nods, giving me a once-over, then flashes Dolly a smile that would bring any woman to her knees.
“You did good, Doll. Blade will be pleased.” He looks at me again. Axel is the one who held me last night. Only now can I get a good look at him. Meaning he must be one of the guys that all the carnival girls gossiped about. With his dark hair and blue eyes, he is definitely hot in a pretty boy way—well, besides his tattoos.
“You okay?” He glares at me.
“Yes, I’m fine.” Caught looking at him, I’m aggravated.
He guides us through the large farm-style house. I try to look around, but it’s filled with bikers, so all I see are beards and tits.
He stops at a double door, knocks, and lets us in. Taking the rest of the bags from Dolly, he leaves us in a large room with tons of bad art and maps, along with a long, rectangular wooden table and a bunch of chairs. The walls are brown with the Disciples logo everywhere. Dolly flops onto one of the chairs crossing her legs. I stand on the side slightly shell-shocked. I had no idea this MC was this big.
“How many guys are in the Disciples?” I whisper.
“I don’t know. A lot. Why are we whispering?”
All of a sudden nervous, I throw her a dirty look. He’s coming. I can sense him. It’s weird but my body seems to always tingle when he is near. Sure enough, the door swings open and there he is—a bottle of Jack Daniels in one hand and an arm around the redhead from the poster with the other. Staggering, I almost collapse into the chair but somehow manage to stay standing. Behind him are Edge and Axel.
Dolly jumps to her feet and grabs my hand. I almost laugh because with my heels and all the giant guys in the room, her petite form is so not threating—it’s comical. But I’m grateful to have her, so I squeeze her hand.
Blade stops and slowly, his green eyes pursue me from the top of my head to my shoes, lingering on my mouth and breasts.
Crystal snuggles into his chest. Her dyed red hair is awful and might give Marina a run for the money. With all the pancake makeup she has on, she could use a shower and I’d love to tell her so. And then he smiles, and I stop breathing for a second because Blade has the whitest, straightest teeth I’ve ever seen. It’s almost unfair. No one should have that kind of smile.
“Dolly, you are amazing.” His eyes don’t leave mine.
“Angel, why don’t you go to our room. I’ll be up later.” I stand frozen. Of all the things I thought he was going to say, that wasn’t one of them.
“Umm.” I struggle to breathe and move.
He lets go of the redhead and sets the booze on the table. “You can let go of her, Dolly.” He takes my hand away and tilts my chin up. Like a soft breeze, he brushes my lips to his.
“Go upstairs.” It’s a command and it jerks me out of my daze. My legs tremble and I’m confused at the feelings this man brings out in me.
I turn to Dolly and nod then manage to get myself to move.
I watch her go. There is something about the way Eve moves that I like. With a sigh, I remove Crystal’s claws from my arm.
“I need to talk to Dolly.”
Her brown eyes squint at me as if she wants to argue. Instead she pastes on a plastic smile and swishes out. Crystal’s walk does nothing for me. As she huffs and shuts the door, I turn to Dolly.
“What happened today? Did you get her everything?”
She looks over my shoulder at Edge and then Axel. I glance at them.
“What? Is there some big secret?”
“Actually yes. Yes, there is and I would like to speak with you privately.” She plants her hands on her small hips and tilts her cute pixie head up at me.
My guys snort. “Okay, you heard our princess. She needs a word in private.” Axel pushes off the wall and leaves, whereas Edge drags his feet, still mumbling as he shuts the door.
I drop into my chair and put my booted feet on the table, interlacing my fingers over my abdomen.
“Spit it out and hand me the Jack. I barely got a sip.”
She flounces into a chair next to me and thuds the bottle hard on the table.
I raise an eyebrow. “Speak. I’m losing patience.”
“Why would you bring her here? Buy her all that stuff, brand her?” Her arms are animated and her face is turning red. Dolly always reminds me of the bad Smurfette when she gets fired up. “Only to keep fucking Crystal?” she spits out.
I reach for the bottle of Jack, unscrew the lid, and take a long, deep sip. That first burn makes me warm and happy for a moment.
“Dolly, I don’t even know that chick. She’s fucking beautiful and her dad is a good man who is dying. So rather than have to put a bullet in his head in front of
her, I claimed her.” I take another drag from the bottle. I said these same words not an hour ago to a crying Crystal. The more I say them, the easier it is to believe them. Not that I owe Crystal an explanation. I’ve been honest with her from day one. But women are fucking crazy. They only hear what they want.
Dolly jumps up and starts to pace. The Bud Light sign flickers behind her. “You are so full of shit, Jason. I’ve known you for a long time. If you thought Eve was only beautiful, you would have given her to someone else. You claimed her! And she’s too good for you.” She slaps one of my boots off the table.
“Christ.” I lean my head back and gaze up at the yellowish ceiling. “I swear to God, I don’t need this tonight. What happened to make you fall in love with her?” I snap.
“A lot of things. She’s smart even though she barely knows how to read.”
I wince dropping my other boot to floor with a thud. “What?” I don’t know why my heart is beating fast. I barely know this girl, but school came easy for me. Reading is one of my guilty pleasures that I still allow myself. It keeps me human when this life wants to kill it out of me. If she can’t read, I need to teach her.
Dolly holds up her hands. “She can read. But I don’t think she ever went to school. She’s never had any friends, and she’s a fucking virgin, Blade!” She must not have wanted to say that because her red cheeks instantly go pale.
The silence in the room is broken only by the buzzing from the trashy beer signs that litter the walls.
I scrub my hands over my face, then start laughing. “She’s a fucking carnival rat. A gypsy. If you believe that she’s a virgin, well then you got played.”
She flops back into the chair and crosses her legs.
“Here.” Shaking my head, I hand her the Jack Daniels bottle.
She takes a swig then shudders. “God, I hate that shit.” But she takes a breath. “Fine, whatever, you will find out either way. It still doesn’t excuse you from removing her chance at having us as a family. You need to kick that ugly bitch Crystal to the curb.” She crosses her arms.
“I know how crazy Crystal can be and I know that Edge fucked up. But she deserves more than getting kicked to the curb.”